Join this webinar on October 16, 2024 about data engineering with SERC CTO Tom McDermott, the Distinguished Lecturer selected by the IEEE Systems Council. The lecture will cover topics on data engineering as a technology process, its importance for managing modern engineered systems, and the motivations and challenges with translating digital engineering strategy into practice.
AI4SE & SE4AI Workshop 2024
*** This event page remains intact for archival purposes. ***
The fifth annual AI4SE and SE4AI workshop is sponsored and organized by the U.S. Army DEVCOM Armaments Center Systems Engineering Directorate and the Systems Engineering Research Center and will be hosted at the George Mason University Arlington Campus on September 17-18.
For questions, please contact Alan Skontra at as******@st*****.edu.
Safer AI-Enabled Complex Systems: Responsible Deployment of AI through Systems Engineering
The rapid development and deployment of AI presents both tremendous opportunities and inherent risks. As AI continues to revolutionize various industries, and is embedded in complex systems at various levels, it becomes crucial to strike a delicate balance between seizing the potential benefits and addressing and mitigating potential harms. The conference theme, “Safer AI-Enabled Complex Systems: Responsible Deployment of AI through Systems Engineering,” aims to foster discussions and insights on how systems engineering can support the development of robust and ethical AI systems, and how AI tools can in turn transform the practice of systems engineering.
The SE4AI track focuses on leveraging systems engineering principles and methodologies to develop safe, robust, and efficient AI systems, while extending them in response to the nature of AI enabled systems. The AI4SE track delves into the application of AI in support of systems engineering processes, by enabling enhanced decision-making, optimization, validation, and verification.
Keynote Speakers
As one of the U.S. Navy’s first female fighter pilots and an engineer, Dr. Mary “Missy” Cummings is accustomed to breaking barriers and solving problems. A naval officer and military pilot from 1988-1999, Cummings was one of the U.S. Navy’s first female fighter pilots. She is now the director of Mason’s Autonomy and Robotics Center (MARC) and a professor at George Mason University. She holds faculty appointments in the Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Computer Science departments. She is an American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Fellow and recently served as the senior safety advisor to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Cummings received her BS in Mathematics from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1988, her MS in Space Systems Engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School in 1994, and her PhD in Systems Engineering from the University of Virginia in 2004.
Mr. Dan Mahanty is the Division Director for Learning at the Civilian Protection Center of Excellence, where he leads the Center’s research and analytic agenda, and drives the exploration of technology solutions for civilian harm mitigation. Prior to his service at the Department of Defense, he served as a Director of Research, Learning and Innovation and US Program Director for seven years at the international non-profit, Center for Civilians in Conflict, where he led research initiatives focused on civilian protection and civilian harm mitigation. He also spent sixteen years at the U.S. Department of State, where he started and led the Office of Security and Human Rights, leading efforts to integrate US leadership on human rights in security policy and practice. He is a non-resident associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and was an adjunct associate professor at Georgetown University and with the Kansas University program at the Command and General Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth. His research on civilian harm mitigation has been cited by the New York Times and Washington Post, and his writing has appeared in Foreign Policy, Defense One, War on the Rocks, and USA Today. He holds a master’s degree from Georgetown University and a bachelor’s degree from George Mason University. He is from Greeley, Colorado and now lives in McLean, Virginia.
Mr. Matthew Rose is the Global Public Sector Industry Principal at Snowflake, where he leads a team serving government and education organizations. He focuses on public sector needs and bringing solutions and technologies into the public sector market. Before joining Snowflake, he led Adobe’s Public Sector Business Development and Strategy. Previously, Matthew served in government, most recently as the DOD’s Chief Design Officer, Joint Artificial Intelligence Center’s Strategy and Policy Directorate Chief; GSA’s Director for Cloud and Infrastructure; and Special Advisor on Technology Protection for the Secretary of Defense. He is a founder of several companies, sits on the Stimson Center and Atlantic Council, and serves in the Army Reserve. Matthew has three graduate degrees and has published extensively on the topics of defense and technology. He resides in Warrenton Virginia with his wife and three children.
Presentation Slides
Refer to the printable agenda for times. Presentations will be available for download after the workshop.
9:00 AM – Keynote
Mr. Matthew Rose, Global Public Sector Industry Principal, Snowflake
9:45 AM – US Army DEVCOM Armaments Center Perspective
Mr. Edward W. Bauer, Director of the Systems Engineering Directorate, US Army DEVCOM Armaments Center
1:05 PM – Plenary Panel: The Need for Socio-technical System Testbeds for AI Enabled Systems
Moderator: Dr. Laura Freeman, Virginia Tech
10:30 AM – Accountability for AI Enabled Systems Used in Critical Decision-making
NASA Langley Research Center
10:50 AM – Navigating Uncertainty: Enhancing AI System Safety through the Integration of Systems Theory, Set Theory and R3+ Concepts
University of Alabama in Huntsville
11:10 AM – What Can Aviation and Pharmaceuticals Teach Us About How to Set Up a System of Assurance for Different Types of AI-Enabled Systems?
George Washington University
11:30 AM – Application of AI to Collision Risk Safety Analysis for the National Airspace System
George Mason University
2:10 PM – Interpretable ML for Requirements Development
United States Military Academy
2:30 PM – Using End-to-End Causal Inference to Assess AI-ML Classifier Health
Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute
2:50 PM – Enhancing Trust in AI-Powered Situational Awareness Systems for US Army Ground Vehicles: A Holistic Approach to Explainability and Interpretability
Strategic Ai Services (SAS)
3:10 PM – Integrating Responsible AI Principles into Systems Engineering Practices: A Holistic Approach for Safe and Reliable AI-Enabled Systems
4:00 PM – Enhancing Testing & Evaluation of AI-Enabled DoD Systems Using MBSE
MITRE Corporation
4:20 PM – Multi-Fidelity Test and Evaluation of AI-Enabled Systems
Purdue University
4:40 PM – Use of Predictive AI/ML Embedded in Lifecycle Systems Engineering to Support Testing of AI/ML Based Weapons Systems
Georgia Tech Research Institute
10:30 AM – Accelerating Insertion of Warfighting Capability using GenAI Based Control Synthesis from Image
Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University
10:50 AM – Design of AI-Enabled Multi-Mode Logistics Planning System (M2ALPS) In Support of the Air Force Adaptive Basing Concept-of-Operations
George Mason University
11:10 AM – Use of STPA for Analyzing Information Flows in Distributed Autonomous Systems
Stevens Institute of Technology
11:30 AM – Guiding the Behavior of Complex Networked Systems using Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: Governance by Dynamic Balancing of Cooperation and Competition
Northeastern University
2:10 PM – Responsible Use of AI to Improve Sustainability of Future Systems
2:30 PM – Rapid Intelligent Systems Engineering
Lockheed Martin – Advanced Technology Laboratories
2:50 PM – The Use of Generative GenAI to Unlock Value from Defense ERP Business Systems
3:10 PM – Large Language Models in Enhanced Electronic Warfare: Applications, Benefits, Limitations and Future Directions
Stevens Institute of Technology
4:00 PM – Reuse of Digital Engineering Models via Semantic Component Libraries
Systems Engineering Research Center
4:20 PM – MBSE AI Platform for Productivity (MAPPy): Combining AI and Digital Engineering
Booz Allen Hamilton
4:40 PM – Accelerating Semantic Digital Thread User Queries Using LLMs
8;45 AM – Keynote
Mr. Daniel Mahanty, Division Director for Learning, Civilian Protection Center of Excellence
9:35 AM – Plenary Panel: Opportunities and Risks for Leveraging Generative AI to Support SE Processes
Moderator: Dr. Peter Beling, Virginia Tech
1:30 PM – Keynote
Dr. Missy Cummings, Professor and Director of Mason Autonomy and Robotics Center, George Mason University
2:15 PM – SERC Perspective: Archimedes Workshop on Trustworthy AI
Dr. Zoe Szajnfarber, Professor, The George Washington University and SERC Chief Scientist
4:45 PM – Trusted AI SE Challenge
Dr. Peter Beling, Virginia Tech
10:55 AM – Towards A Human-AI Collaboration Maturity Model (HAIC-MM) for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Colorado State University
11:15 AM – Understanding the Tradeoffs of Human-AI System Architecting
George Washington University
11:35 AM – Addressing Challenges of Human-AI Teaming Experiments Using Naval AI Systems
Naval Information Warfare Center
11:55 AM – PRODEC: A Method and Platform for Human Systems Integration of Human-AI Teams
FlexTech Chair, CentraleSupélec (Paris Saclay University & ESTIA)
3:00 PM – A SE4AI Framework for the Systems Engineering of Autonomous Systems with a Focus on the Curation of Data across the Lifecycle
The University of Adelaide & Shoal Group
3:20 PM – Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Approach to Develop an Artificial Intelligence Bill of Material (AIBOM) for AI System Compliance Verification
3:40 PM – System Architecture for Recombinant AI (SARAI)
C5I Center at George Mason University
4:00 PM – Tradeoff Analysis Using an Integrated Data-Driven and Model-Based Approach for the Design of Autonomous Robots
University of Maryland
4:20 PM – A Systems Engineering Methodology for Integrating Autonomy with System of Systems and Conducting Data-Driven Trade Study Analyses
George Mason University
10:55 AM – Say What? Identifying the Impact of Prompt Technique on AI Generation of Systems Engineering Artifacts
11:15 AM – LLM Co-pilots for Domain Specific Modeling Languages
Tangram Flex
11:35 AM – Developing Concepts of Operations Using Multi-Step Tool Techniques with Large Language Models
NASA Langley Research Center
11:55 AM – Systems Engineering Language Modeling Assistant
3:00 PM – Challenges of Trustworthy Human/AI Teaming in Long-running Relationships
National Institute of Standards and Technology
3:20 PM – Towards a Work Systems View of Human AI Collaboration in Systems Engineering and Design: The Case of Conceptual Design with a ChatGPT Partner
George Washington University
3:40 PM – Theoretical Feasibility of Graph Neural Networks for Augmented Intelligence in Systems Engineering
University of Alabama in Huntsville
4:00 PM – AI Aided Design and Development for Space Systems
University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute
4:20 PM – Using Large Language Models to Accelerate Development of Complex Systems
Virginia Tech National Security Institute
The workshop will take place in person at Van Metre Hall on the George Mason University Arlington Campus (known as Mason Square) at 3351 Fairfax Drive in Arlington, Virginia, 22201. The building is within walking distance of the Virginia Square-GMU Washington Metro stop, which is linked to Metro stops at Dulles and Reagan airports and to Amtrak at Union Station. Parking is available at an hourly rate in nearby campus garages or on public streets. Visit the Mason Square campus access page for additional details and contact information for questions.
JUNE 17, 2024, by 11:59pm ET
Abstract Submission Deadline
JULY 15, 2024
Notification to Authors
SEPTEMBER 17-18, 2024
Workshop Dates
The U.S. Army DEVCOM Armaments Center Systems Engineering Directorate and the Systems Engineering Research Center are pleased to announce a call for abstracts for the fifth annual AI4SE & SE4AI Research and Application Workshop being held on September 17-18, 2024, at the George Mason University Arlington Campus. This highly anticipated event will bring together academia, government, and industry experts to explore the exciting advancements and challenges at the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and systems engineering (SE). All selected abstracts and presentations must be approved for public release and delivered in-person at the venue.
As in the past, the conference will be organized around two main themes: SE4AI and AI4SE. We welcome contributions to either theme or any of the subthemes elaborated below:
SE4AI. The SE4AI track focuses on leveraging systems engineering principles and methodologies to develop safe, robust, and efficient AI systems, while extending them in response to the nature of AI enabled systems.
Specific research areas in this track include but are not limited to:
- AI embedded in complex systems of systems (SoS) and/or teams,
- Measures of trust that include a recognition of human and technology interaction, including studies on explainability, interpretability, and related AI-ilities.
- Test and Evaluation (T&E) across the lifecycle,
- System design processes that support AI across the lifecycle, including AI maintenance and sustainment principles and practice.
- Bidirectionality in human-AI collaborative systems.
- Socio-technical System Testbeds to support system characterization and/or training.
- Critical aspects of safety, reliability, and ethical considerations in developing and deploying AI systems.
AI4SE. The AI4SE track delves into the application of AI in support of systems engineering processes, by enabling enhanced decision-making, optimization, validation, and verification.
Specific research areas in this track include but are not limited to:
- Evolving role of digital engineering and its impact on the systems engineering workforce, fostering skill development and adaptation in an AI-driven landscape.
- Large Language Models (LLMs) co-pilots for systems modelers and engineers.
- Cognitive assistants: conversational systems automating many mundane data entry, exploration, and engineering calculation tasks, and many workflows, beyond LLMs.
- AI and visualization to assist in complex project management activities, including managing human teams.
- AI for system design and design space exploration.
- Other AI, data analytic, and visualization approaches to improve SE and PM.
Submission Guidelines:
Title : 200-character limit
Primary Author / Presenter: Full name, title and organization. Please note the person’s email address submitted here will be the main point of contact and receive all notifications pertaining to the abstract and event.
Additional Authors: Any additional authors and/or presenters should be listed with their organization.
Research Area: Indicate the specific research area (bullets) above you are addressing within the broad tracks of SE4AI or AI4SE.
Submission Type: Indicate whether submission is for an individual presentation, panel submission, or practitioner case study. Note that if panel submission is selected, the planned panelists and their organization must be identified.
Abstract Content: Please upload a 1–3-page extended abstract that clearly states the objectives, methodology, expected or achieved outcomes of your research, and explains the relevance of your work to practice. A subset of mature submissions maybe invited to a special issue after the conference.
References: An additional page can be uploaded to contain endnote references, graphics, and URL links to faculty/researcher bios and curriculum vitaes.
Submission Schedule:
Abstract Submission Deadline: June 17, 2024
Notification of Selection: July 15, 2024
The AI4SE & SE4AI Research and Application Workshop is an unclassified workshop. All abstracts and selected presentations must be approved for public release.
Workshop Technical Committee:
Dr. Peter Beling, Virginia Tech
Dr. Zoe Szajnfarber, George Washington University
Dr. Valerie Sitterle, Georgia Tech Research Institute
Dr. Ali Raz, George Mason University
Mr. Tom McDermott, Stevens Institute of Technology
Mr. Al Stanbury, U.S. Army DEVCOM AC
Dr. Myron Hohil, U.S. Army DEVCOM AC
Dr. Jason Cook, U.S. Army DEVCOM AC
Dr. Ralph Tillinghast, U.S. Army DEVCOM AC
Mr. Benjamin Schumeg, U.S. Army DEVCOM AC
SERC UPDATES – August 2024

Dear Colleagues,
We hope that you take the last few days of summer to recharge for an exciting fall. The highlight of the SERC’s September will be the AI4SE & SE4AI Research and Application Workshop. This year we will offer 40 abstract presentations alongside three keynotes and other remarks. We are approaching capacity, so get your ticket today!
This issue of the SERC Updates welcomes three new members of our Research Council and features a refreshed Helix website to assess the skills of systems engineers. Through the Acquisition Innovation Research Center, we also have articles about the Defense Civilian Training Corps, including the recent scholar showcase for our DoD partners. Among the many opportunities the scholars enjoyed on their trip to Washington, DC, they also took the Helix assessment to measure their impressive potential.
Dinesh Verma
Executive Director

Three Experts Join SERC Research Council
The SERC Research Council is adding expertise in aeronautical engineering, space systems, procurement law and other fields with three new members: Dr. Michael Orosz, Dr. Daniel Selva, and Mr. Christopher Yukins, JD.
Next Generation of Civilian Defenders Takes Stage at Scholar Showcase
The inaugural Defense Civilian Training Corps (DCTC) Scholar Showcase brought the next generation of defense leaders to Washington to share insights from their summer internships and network with senior leaders in the DoD..
DCTC Internships Open Doors to Rewarding DoD Civil Service Careers
This summer, DCTC scholars from diverse academic backgrounds applied lessons from the DCTC integrated curriculum and development program to project-based internships hosted by top DoD organizations nationwide.

Helix Updated for New Assessments of Systems Engineers
Helix is the culmination of years of research on what makes systems engineers and systems engineering effective. The Helix website has been updated, including refinements to the tools for individuals and organizations to assess and track their effectiveness. Visit the Helix website to learn more.
AIRC Partners with George Mason University on PPBE Webinars
AIRC partnered with George Mason University to host a three-part series of webinars on the final report of the PPBE Commission. AIRC Chief Scientist Phil Anton added insights from AIRC’s nine-part series of reports on the commission. See videos of all three talks on the AIRC website.
A Journey for Systems Engineering and Scenery in Dublin
Dr. Nicole Hutchison compiled a travel journal of her trip to Dublin in July for the INCOSE International Symposium, featuring insights from both the conference and cultural touchstones.

The fifth annual AI4SE & SE4AI Research and Application Workshop received a record number of abstract submissions to address this year’s theme, Safer AI-Enabled Complex Systems: Responsible Deployment of AI through Systems Engineering. Reserve your spot for this in-person event at George Mason University!
September 17-18, 2024
AI4SE & SE4AI Research and Application Workshop (Arlington, VA)
October 28-31, 2024
NDIA Systems & Mission Engineering Conference (Norfolk, VA)
March 18-21, 2025
Conference on Systems Engineering Research (Long Beach, CA)
May 7-8, 2025
NPS Acquisition Research Symposium (Monterey, CA)

We invite collaborators to submit research news to be included in future releases of the SERC Updates.
Search SERC Publications
Search AIRC Publications

If an opportunity exists at your institution that you would like us to share, please submit a collaborators’ update.
SERC UPDATES – June 2024

JUNE 2024
Dear Colleagues,
SERC researchers and I met with our international partners in the Archimedes Initiative, a collective we co-founded in 2022 to advance systems engineering. Read about our third annual workshop below, and stay tuned for a report. Thank you to our friends with DLR, TNO-ESI, and TECoSA for a wonderful gathering!
You might also enjoy reading about The Acquisition Game, a board game SERC and AIRC researchers designed to teach scholars in the Defense Civilian Training Corps. A diverse AIRC team also completed a nine-part series of reports for the PPBE Reform Commission. And, SERC researchers published new reports on the Capstone Marketplace and a digital engineering simulator we developed for Defense Acquisition University. We have been busy and hope you enjoy reading this voluminous issue of the SERC Updates. Until next time, have a fantastic summer!
Dinesh Verma
Executive Director

Capstone Marketplace Projects Complete for 2023-24
The SERC Capstone team led by William Shepherd of the SERC Research Council concluded another exciting year of connecting student engineering teams with challenge projects from DoD partners.
DAU Digital Engineering Simulation Option Year 2
In this follow-up report, Dr. Nicole Hutchison led a SERC team to conduct research for Defense Acquisition University on human capital development.
AIRC Researchers Complete Reports for the PPBE Reform Commission
A multi-university team of AIRC Fellows, AIRC Innovation Panel members, faculty researchers and students produced nine reports for the Commission on Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) Reform.
SERC Talks: Myron Hecht Talks System Certification
See a recording and download presentation slides from this special guest presentation by Myron Hecht of The Aerospace Corporation.

SERC Hosts Third Annual Archimedes Initiative Workshop
Four international systems engineering organizations met at The George Washington University to discuss trustworthy AI, systems thinking, and other dynamic topics.
Gaming the System: DCTC Scholars Master Acquisition Through Play
In this new board game designed by SERC and AIRC researchers, scholars in the Defense Civilian Training Corps are learning about defense acquisition in a fun and memorable way.
Winners Recognized for Defense Data Grand Prix
An awards ceremony recognized teams from Cleveland State University, Stevens Institute of Technology, and the University of South Alabama that placed in the fourth iteration of the Defense Data Grand Prix.
SERC and AIRC Researchers Contribute to 21st Annual NPS Symposium
SERC and AIRC researchers traveled to the Naval Postgraduate School in California for insightful discussions on advancing defense acquisition.

The fifth annual AI4SE & SE4AI Research and Application Workshop received a record number of abstract submissions to address this year’s theme, Safer AI-Enabled Complex Systems: Responsible Deployment of AI through Systems Engineering. The technical agenda should be released by the end of next month. Reserve your ticket today for this in-person event at George Mason University!
July 2-6, 2024
INCOSE International Symposium (Dublin, Ireland | Hybrid)
July 30-31, 2024
DCTC Scholar Showcase (Washington, DC)
August 7-9, 2024
NDIA-ETI Emerging Technologies for Defense Conference (Washington, DC)
September 17-18, 2024
AI4SE & SE4AI Research and Application Workshop (Arlington, VA)
October 28-31, 2024
NDIA Systems & Mission Engineering Conference (Norfolk, VA)

We invite collaborators to submit research news to be included in future releases of the SERC Updates.
Search SERC Publications
Search AIRC Publications

On June 14, SERC CTO Tom McDermott presented at the third quarterly research forum AIRC hosted with Defense Acquisition University. McDermott followed two previous webinars on megaprojects by presenting best practices with evidence from historical case studies and ongoing megaprojects. Visit the event page to watch the recording and download the presentation slides.

If an opportunity exists at your institution that you would like us to share, please submit a collaborators’ update.
SERC TALKS: “How can SysML support System Certification?”
This talk by Myron Hecht of The Aerospace Corporation describes how MBSE (and SysML in particular) can support and enable certification, starting by identifying the potential benefits of MBSE for certification; describing specific approaches to support certification; and concluding with necessary conditions regarding MBSE capabilities within both the applicant development organization and the certification authority, establishment of ground rules, and an executable certification plan.
Speaker: Mr. Myron Hecht, Senior Project Leader at The Aerospace Corporation
SERC Talks is an open forum featuring leaders in our community sharing their insights on topics relevant to systems engineering and its evolution. We encourage you to join and provide input during these online discussions as we strive to create an open, collaborative dialogue among academia, government and industry sectors of the SE community.
The recording will be available on this page and on the SERC YouTube channel following the event. Registrants will receive the announcement of this release. If you have any questions regarding joining this session, please contact the SERC Talks webinar coordinator, Alan Skontra. Register to receive meeting details.
Visit the SERC Talks homepage to see previous talks.
NOTE TO PARTICIPANTS: SERC Talks uses the Zoom for Government Webinar platform. Prior to the SERC Talk, we encourage all participants to install and test the platform to exercise full virtual capabilities. Installation is not required to join the session, as Zoom is accessible via web browser.
Download Zoom for Government client | Zoom for Government FAQ | Zoom for Government: How to join from your browser
Visit the SERC Talks homepage to see previous talks.
SERC UPDATES – April 2024

APRIL 2024
Dear Colleagues,
In March, a SERC delegation enjoyed attending the Conference on Systems Engineering Research at the University of Arizona. Below is our recap of CSER 2024, and please also review the newly published proceedings from the 2023 conference, which I edited with Dr. Azad Madni of the SERC Research Council.
Looking ahead, many SERC researchers will attend the Naval Postgraduate School’s annual symposium in May. On September 17-18, the SERC will hold the fifth annual AI4SE & SE4AI Research and Application Workshop at George Mason University. We will again organize this gathering with the U.S. Army DEVCOM Armaments Center. The deadline to submit an abstract is June 10. See guidelines and the submission form on the event webpage. We look forward to curating another engaging program of your presentations!
Dinesh Verma
Executive Director

Toward Collective Impact in DoD’s STEM Activities and Outreach
This final report details the work of a team led by Dr. Payuna Uday in examining the DoD’s challenges and opportunities for developing a workforce with advanced STEM skills.
Test and Evaluation Methods for Middle-Tier Acquisition
Dr. Laura Freeman of the SERC Research Council and her Virginia Tech colleague Geoff Kerr wrote this recently published AIRC report that applies that applies systems thinking to the T&E aspects of defense acquisition.
Digital Transformation in Test and Evaluation for AI/ML, Autonomous, and Continuously Evolving Systems
This report is a companion to Dr. Freeman’s Test and Evaluation Methods for Middle-Tier Acquisition. Both reports address ways to strengthen the named pillars of the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation Implementation Plan.

SERC Leaders and Researchers Attend CSER 2024
SERC researchers and senior leadership presented at the 21st annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER), hosted for the first time at the University of Arizona on March 24-27.
An Interview with Dr. Paul Wach, Virginia Tech
Dr. Wach shared his aspirations for systems engineering and his place in the field, the engineers who inspired him, and an eclectic mix of favorite books spanning sci-fi, history, and religion.
Good Reads About Systems
These reading suggestions include a new book by SERC researcher Dr. Carlo Lipizzi, Societal Impacts of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

The fifth annual AI4SE & SE4AI Research and Application Workshop is seeking presentations that address this year’s theme: Safer AI-Enabled Complex Systems: Responsible Deployment of AI through Systems Engineering. See submission guidelines and the form on the event webpage. Registration will open in the coming weeks, but you can add your name now to the early invitation list to get an advance invitation!

May 8-9, 2024
NPS Annual Acquisition Research Symposium (Monterey, CA)
July 2-6, 2024
INCOSE International Symposium (Dublin, Ireland | Hybrid)
September 17-18, 2024
AI4SE & SE4AI Research and Application Workshop (Arlington, VA)

We invite collaborators to submit research news to be included in future releases of the SERC Updates.
Search SERC Publications
Search AIRC Publications

SERC Executive Director Dinesh Verma (front row, second from right) and AIRC Chief Scientist Phil Antón (front row, left) met recently with a delegation of the Danish defense community to discuss the American example of how government, industry, and academia collaborate for national security. Photo credit: Sune Dowler Nygaard, Executive Vice President, Danish Technological Institute, via LinkedIn

If an opportunity exists at your institution that you would like us to share, please submit it here.
AIRC Research Scientist
DCTC Program Coordinator
SERC/AIRC Talent & Event Coordinator
Graduate Student Assistant (must be a current Stevens student)