January 2021
Annual INCOSE International Workshop (IW 2021)
INCOSE's International Workshop (IW 2021) is an event for systems engineers to contribute to the state of the art. Unlike INCOSE's annual International Symposium and other conferences, there are no paper, panel or tutorial presentations. Instead, attendees spend 4 days working alongside fellow systems engineers who are there to make a difference.
Find out more »April 2021
SERC TALKS: “How Can a Systems Approach Help Critical Civil Infrastructure Become Smarter, More Sustainable and Resilient?”
Climate change, NetZero energy, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution are all game changers for infrastructure providers. This Talk discusses that to build smarter, more sustainable, and resilient infrastructure, cities will need to reimage infrastructure services they provide, and arrange deeply interconnected technological, social and environmental systems to do so. Infrastructure 4.0 is comprised, not just of physical assets and digital twins, but an interconnected web of social, institutional, and ecological systems. New, complex forms of socio-technological systems are emerging that require a synthesis across traditional disciplines of engineering, information technology, environmental science, and policy.
Find out more »June 2021
2021 Complex Adaptive Systems Conference
The 2021 Complex Adaptive Systems conference will be held virtually. It will continue in its long tradition to bring together experts in academia, industry and government to push the boundaries of knowledge of Complex Systems to the next level.
Find out more »SERC TALKS: “How are Digitalization and AI Driving Improvements in Healthcare Delivery?”
This Talk examines the progression of health systems from individual diagnostic and treatment devices to connected systems and solutions. The transformation of health care delivery has changed the needs and key performance indicators that clinicians and hospital leaders use to measure success. To succeed with healthcare innovation today, new technologies must come with new business models and outcome-based incentives, aligned across all stakeholders; with collaboration based on shared objectives and risks.
Find out more »August 2021
SERC TALKS: “What Does Test & Evaluation Mean in a Digital Engineering Enabled World?”
In this talk we will discuss the demand for testing events, the Scientific Test and Analysis Techniques process (since STAT is mandated in DoD policy anyway), and what test planning may look like in a digital engineering environment. Examples of efficient and effective test planning will also be discussed, both those that were conducted during development and those developed post deployment.
Find out more »September 2021
Naval Digital/Systems Engineering Transformation (D/SET) Brown Bag Series: Skyzer Surrogate Pilot MBSE Cost Model Use Case and Model Tour Demo
In this talk we will discuss the demand for testing events, the Scientific Test and Analysis Techniques process (since STAT is mandated in DoD policy anyway), and what test planning may look like in a digital engineering environment. Examples of efficient and effective test planning will also be discussed, both those that were conducted during development and those developed post deployment.
Find out more »Protected: Naval Digital/Systems Engineering Transformation (D/SET) Brown Bag Series: Skyzer Surrogate Pilot MBSE Cost Model Use Case and Model Tour Demo
In this talk we will discuss the demand for testing events, the Scientific Test and Analysis Techniques process (since STAT is mandated in DoD policy anyway), and what test planning may look like in a digital engineering environment. Examples of efficient and effective test planning will also be discussed, both those that were conducted during development and those developed post deployment.
Find out more »October 2021
SERC TALKS: “Progress in Test and Evaluation of AI-enabled Systems in the DoD”
This Talk with Dr. Yevgeniya “Jane” Pinelis, Chief, Test, Evaluation, and Assessment, DoD Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) is the second of the 3-part "Test and Evaluation" series, curated and moderated by Dr. Laura Freeman, SERC Research Council Member, Director of the Hume Center’s Intelligent Systems Lab and Assistant Dean for Research in the College of Science, and Research Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics at Virginia Tech.
Find out more »November 2021
INCOSE Human Systems Integration Conference 2021
The Human Systems Integration Conference 2021 (HSI2021), an INCOSE Conference, will be held virtually from 16 to 19 November, 2021. This first virtual edition of the HSI INCOSE Conference brings a fantastic environment to learn new things and to discuss your work with the worldwide Human Systems Integration community. Working together with the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) and Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) societies provides the opportunity for networking with members of other related professional societies, bringing a richness to the experience.
Find out more »December 2021
SERC TALKS: “How is T&E Transforming to Adequately Assess DOD Systems in Complex Operating Environments?”
This Talk with Dr. Sandra Hobson, Deputy Director for Strategic Initiatives, Policy and Emerging Technologies, DOT&E, Office of the Secretary of Defense is the final Talk of the 3-part "Test and Evaluation" series, curated and moderated by Dr. Laura Freeman, SERC Research Council Member, Director of the Hume Center’s Intelligent Systems Lab and Assistant Dean for Research in the College of Science, and Research Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics at Virginia Tech.
Find out more »NDIA’s 2021 Virtual Systems & Mission Engineering Conference
The 24th Annual NDIA Systems and Mission Engineering Conference is going virtual! The National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) is excited to bring you the same great content you can expect at an in-person conference – all from the comfort of your home or office!
Find out more »February 2022
2022 DAU Acquisition Update: Embracing the Digital Environment
DAU will host its virtual annual Acquisition Update on Feb. 23-24, 2022. The theme "Embracing the Digital Environment" is timely for this year's Update as major changes have been enacted within the Department of Defense.
Find out more »SERC TALKS: “How Can We Model Cyber Attacks and Systems to Characterize Resilience of Critical Infrastructure Systems?”
This Talk with Dr. Eric Vugrin, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in the Cyber Resilience Research and Development department of Sandia National Laboratories is the first Talk of the 3-part "Cyber Resilience" series, curated and moderated by Dr. Peter Beling, Professor and Associate Director, Intelligent Systems Lab, Hume Center for National Security and Technology, Grado Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Virginia Tech.
Find out more »March 2022
Lifecycle Modeling Organization’s Model-Based Systems Engineering Conference (MBSE-CON)
The Lifecycle Modeling Language is proud to announce the second annual MBSE-CON. Join other professionals and government officials, interested in expanding systems engineering to a data-driven model-based solution as well as academics that would like to stay up to date in the current usage of MBSE and/or would like to use it in the classroom. This year's conference will focus in on the the pillars of lifecycle modeling: Cost, Performance, Risk and Schedule.
Find out more »NASEM: Virtual STEM Town Hall w/ Department of Defense
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) invites you to join a virtual town hall to hear an overview of Department of Defense University Affiliated Research Centers (UARCs). The town hall will be led by the Office of the Secretary of Defense and will include speakers from DoD UARC sponsors, along with leadership from UARCs and Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Institutions.
Find out more »Conference on Systems Engineering Research | CSER 2022
Co‐founded by the University of Southern California and Stevens Institute of Technology in 2003, CSER has become the preeminent event for researchers in systems engineering across the globe. The 19th Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER) focuses on theoretical work in systems engineering and its translation to practical application. The INCOSE SEANET Workshop will be held preceding CSER.
Find out more »April 2022
SERC TALKS: “Cyber Resilience: Technical Concept or Vague Desiderata?”
This Talk with Dr. Alexander Kott, Chief Scientist of the Combat Capabilities Development Command Army Research Laboratory, is the second Talk of the 3-part "Cyber Resilience" series, curated and moderated by SERC Research Council member, Dr. Peter Beling, Virginia Tech.
Find out more »IEEE SysCon 2022: The 16th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference
The IEEE Systems Council facilitates interactions among communities of interest on system-level problems and applications. System-level thinking is essential in the world today, not only for technical systems, but also for society at large. The Council addresses the discipline of systems engineering, including theory, technology, methodology, and applications of complex systems, system-of-systems, and integrated systems of national and global significance.
Find out more »May 2022
NPS’s 19th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium
Every May, the Naval Postgraduate School's Acquisition Research Program hosts a diverse group of acquisition professionals in a research-focused forum that connects scholars, practitioners, and policymakers. Attendees come from around the world; about half are Naval Postgraduate School faculty and graduate students engaged in acquisition-related research. Senior acquisition officials from the Departments of Defense and the U.S. Navy serve as panel chairs and present their critiques and comments on research papers and priorities.
Find out more »June 2022
SERC TALKS: “Secure Cyber Resilient Engineering for the Era of Competition”
This Talk with Ms. Melinda K. Reed, Director, Systems Security, Science and Technology Program Protection Office in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, is the final Talk of the 3-part "Cyber Resilience" series, curated and moderated by SERC Research Council member, Dr. Peter Beling, Virginia Tech.
Find out more »October 2022
SERC TALKS: “Not All Skills Are Created Equal: Agility and Innovation in STEM Education”
This Talk with Dr. Richard DeMillo, Charlotte B. and Roger C. Warren Professor of Computing, Professor of Management, and Chair of the School of Cybersecurity and Privacy, is the first Talk of the 3-part "Innovating STEM Readiness" series, curated and moderated by Dr. William Rouse, SERC Research Council Member, Senior Fellow in the Office of the Senior Vice President for Research at the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University.
Find out more »November 2022
SERC TALKS: “How Can States Develop a Trained Technical Workforce?”
This Talk with John V. Lombardi, Ph.D, University of Massachusetts Amherst and Michael Gargano, Jr., Ed.D, The Education Think Tank, is the second Talk of the 3-part "Innovating STEM Readiness" series, curated and moderated by Dr. William Rouse, SERC Research Council Member, Senior Fellow in the Office of the Senior Vice President for Research at the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University.
Find out more »December 2022
SERC TALKS: “Oceans and Human Health: What We Have Learned About COVID From Cholera”
This Talk with Dr. Rita R. Colwell, Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland at College Park and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and President of CosmosID, Inc, is the last Talk of the year and the 3-part "Innovating STEM Readiness" series, curated and moderated by Dr. William Rouse, SERC Research Council Member, Senior Fellow in the Office of the Senior Vice President for Research at the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University.
Find out more »February 2023
SERC TALKS: “What are the Myths and Facts About Implementation of Digital Engineering in DoD Acquisition?”
Tom McDermott, SERC Chief Technology Officer introduces the first SERC Talk of the 2023 series: “Celebrating Systems Engineering Digitalization”. Presented in panel format, moderator Geoff Kerr (Virginia Tech) along with panelists Tamara Hambrick, Boeing; David Harrison, Lockheed Martin; and Phil Zimmerman, Department of Defense (ret’d) will explore “What are the Myths and Facts About Implementation of Digital Engineering in DoD Acquisition?” Join us on February 15 at 1PM ET to discuss.
Find out more »March 2023
AIRC-DAU Quarterly Research Forum: Improving the DoD Requirements Process
The Acquisition Innovation Research Center (AIRC) and Defense Acquisition University (DAU) are partnering on a forum series to share insight into the future of defense acquisition. In this edition, AIRC principal investigators will present their research findings and recommendations on the Requirements Definition process. DAU faculty will present the DAU learning and development opportunities supporting the Requirements Definition process. Attendees will be eligible for 1.5 Continuous Learning Points.
Find out more »June 2023
Optimizing Incentives for Acquisition Innovation and Agility
The George Mason University School of Business' Greg and Camille Baroni Center for Government Contracting and the Acquisition Innovation Research Center (AIRC) cordially invite you to participate in a two-part webinar series on "Optimizing Incentives for Acquisition Innovation and Agility". Each discussion will be enriched by the research papers authored by AIRC. The panel for each session will include a paper author, a government representative, and an industry member.
Find out more »August 2023
Optimizing Incentives for Acquisition Innovation and Agility
The George Mason University School of Business' Greg and Camille Baroni Center for Government Contracting and the Acquisition Innovation Research Center (AIRC) cordially invite you to participate in a two-part webinar series on "Optimizing Incentives for Acquisition Innovation and Agility". Each discussion will be enriched by the research papers authored by AIRC. The panel for each session will include a paper author, a government representative, and an industry member.
Find out more »September 2023
SERC TALKS: “How Can Model Governance Aid Digital Engineering Execution?”
Continuing the “Celebrating Systems Engineering Digitalization” Talk series, we are pleased to have Dr. Heidi Davidz, an Engineering Fellow in the Intelligent Systems Engineering team at ManTech International Corporation explore ‘how model governance can aid digital engineering execution’. These talks are curated and will be moderated by Tom McDermott, SERC Chief Technology Officer, Stevens Institute of Technology.
Find out more »October 2023
SERC and INCOSE AI4SE & SE4AI Workshop 2023
The Systems Engineering Research Center and the International Council on Systems Engineering are pleased to announce a call for abstracts for the 2023 AI4SE/SE4AI Workshop being held on 11-12 October 2023. The event will be held via Zoom over two sessions. This highly anticipated event will bring together academia, government, and industry experts to explore the exciting advancements and challenges in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and systems engineering (SE). All selected abstracts and presentations must be approved for public release.
Find out more »November 2023
SERC TALKS: “How is Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Applying Digital Engineering?”
Continuing the “Celebrating Systems Engineering Digitalization” Talk series, we are pleased to have Dr. Heidi Davidz, an Engineering Fellow in the Intelligent Systems Engineering team at ManTech International Corporation explore ‘how model governance can aid digital engineering execution’. These talks are curated and will be moderated by Tom McDermott, SERC Chief Technology Officer, Stevens Institute of Technology.
Find out more »June 2024
SERC TALKS: “How can SysML support System Certification?”
This talk by Myron Hecht of The Aerospace Corporation describes how MBSE (and SysML in particular) can support and enable certification, starting by identifying the potential benefits of MBSE for certification; describing specific approaches to support certification; and concluding with necessary conditions regarding MBSE capabilities within both the applicant development organization and the certification authority, establishment of ground rules, and an executable certification plan.
Find out more »November 2024
SERC and INCOSE AI4SE & SE4AI Workshop 2024
The Systems Engineering Research Center and the International Council on Systems Engineering are pleased to announce a call for abstracts for the 2024 AI4SE/SE4AI Workshop being held on November 6-7, 2024. The event will be held via Zoom over two sessions. This highly anticipated event will bring together academia, government, and industry experts to explore the exciting advancements and challenges in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and systems engineering (SE). All selected abstracts and presentations must be approved for public release.
Find out more »