May 2018
34th Annual National Logistics Conference
The 34th Annual National Logistics Forum will be held on May 15, 2018 to May 16, 2018 in Tampa, FL. Organised by the National Defense Industrial Association, this years forum will highlight the challenges, attempt to identify the opportunities and assess future impacts on logistics support to Warfighters based on the known and anticipated fiscal constraints to be encountered in the coming years. A technology display area will highlight cutting-edge capabilities being developed to support our Warfighters in an efficient and effective manner. The…
Find out more »October 2019
NDIA’s 22nd Annual Systems and Mission Engineering Conference
This conference will focus on improving acquisition and performance of Defense programs and systems, including system – of – systems engineering, systems security, net-centric operations and data/information interoperability, and all aspects of system sustainment. This conference is sponsored by the National Defense Industrial Association, Systems Engineering Division, in cooperation with IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, IEEE Systems Council and the International Council on Systems Engineering,
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