Worldwide Directory of Systems Engineering
and Industrial Engineering Programs
The Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC) at Stevens Institute of Technology and the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) have developed this directory as a resource for the industrial and systems engineering community and it is now web-based.
Initially the information was a printed resource with the information primarily drawn from university websites. For each university, it shows the name and address of that university, degrees offered by that university (e.g., a B.S. in Systems Engineering or a Ph .D. in Industrial Engineering), the academic unit that offers those degrees, the head of the academic unit offering those degrees, and a URL where more information can be found.
There were some challenges in deciding which programs to include because there are so many variations in how universities identify their systems and industrial engineering programs, especially when looking across so many countries. With a few exceptions, we included only programs with the title “Systems Engineering,” or “Industrial Engineering.” Generally, we did not include restricted systems or industrial engineering programs, such as “Computer Systems Engineering” or certification programs of any kind.
We have grown from 245 universities in 2015 to 307 universities since the creation of the web-based Directory. With the addition of 62 universities, we’ve also grown in the number of programs included. We had 781 programs included in the Worldwide Directory at the launch of the in 2019; this number has since expanded as we’ve moved the WWD to
Growth in Number of Universities

Growth in Number of Programs