On May 11-13th, 2021, the 18th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium was held, providing a virtual forum to present scholarly acquisition research, as well as for dialogue between scholars and acquisition policy-makers and practitioners. Research papers and presentations were given on recently completed and on-going Department of Defense and US Navy (DoD/DON)-sponsored projects at a variety of research institutions across the United States.

Notable contributions from the SERC Community included:
Panel 10: Improving Acquisition Performance with Systems Engineering – Chaired by SERC Deputy Director/CTO Mr. Thomas A. McDermott Jr.
- Contractual Safety of Model-Based Requirements: Preliminary Results of an Experimental Study – Dr. Alejandro Salado, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech
Paper Presentation - Adapting Systems Engineering Leading Indicators to the Digital Engineering & Management Paradigm -Dr. Donna Rhodes, Principal Research Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Paper Presentation - Defining a Model-Based Systems Engineering Approach for Technical Reviews – Authors: Ronald Carlson and Warren Vaneman
Paper Presentation
Panel 16: Managing Technology Acquisition – Chaired by Lieutenant General Neil Thurgood, USA, Director of Hypersonics, Directed Energy, Space & Rapid Acquisition
- Strategies for Addressing Uncertain Missions and Uncertain Technologies -Dr. William Rouse, Professor, Georgetown University
Paper Presentation
Plenary Panel 17: DoD Acquisition Research – Chaired by David H. Lewis, Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy (Ret), Acquisition Chair, Acquisition Research Program at Naval Postgraduate School
- Panelist: Dr. Dinesh Verma, Professor; Executive Director, Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC), Stevens Institute of Technology
Presentation Video
Panel 18: The Digital Transformation of Engineering — Chaired by Rear Admiral Jason Lloyd, USN, Deputy Commander for Ship Design, Integration and Engineering
- A Framework to Categorize the Benefits and Value of Digital Engineering – SERC Deputy Director/CTO Mr. Thomas A. McDermott Jr.
Paper Presentation
- Competencies, Education, and Training for Digital Engineering in the DoD – Dr. Nicole Hutchison, Research Engineer, Stevens Institute of Technology
- A Study of MBSE Through the Development of Modeling and Data Exchange Processes –– Authors: William Emeny, Systems Engineer, NSWC PHD; Dustin Talley, Mechanical Engineer, T&E, NSWC PHD; Michael Rubow, Mechanical Engineer, NSWC PHD; Ryan Robar, Integrated Product Support Lead, NSWC PHD; Lynn Nguyen, Logistics Management Specialist, NSWC PHD; Lance Lowenberg, MBSE Applications and Modeling Lead, NIWC Pacific
Paper Presentation & Recording