July 1, 2023 — New SEBoK Editor in Chief named: SERC Researcher, Nicole Hutchison
May 15, 2023 — SEBoK v. 2.8 released
September 14, 2022 — SEBoK 10 Year Anniversary
June 2022 — SEBoK Surpasses 6 Million Views
April 2021 — SEBoK Reaches 5 Million Views
May 2020 — The editorial team behind the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK) recently released version 2.2, with some noteworthy changes and additions.
The Guide to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK, pronounced “see-bach”) is a living, authoritative guide for the systems engineering discipline. The SEBoK summarizes hundreds of key topics for the discipline and provides links to critical knowledge sources and references. It is a living product, accepting community input continuously, with regular refreshes and updates.
The SEBoK is overseen by a Governing Board, consisting of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC)/Stevens Institute of Technology, and the IEEE Systems Council.
The SEBoK provides a compendium of the key knowledge sources and references of Systems Engineering organized and explained to assist a wide variety of users. It is a living product, accepting community input continuously, with regular refreshes and updates.