Dr. Lu Xiao
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Lu Xiao is an Assistant Professor in the School of Systems and Enterprises at Stevens Institute of Technology. Her research interests lie in the broad area of software engineering, particularly in software architecture, software economics, cost estimation, and software ecosystems. She completed her Ph.D. in Computer Science at Drexel University in 2016, advised by Dr. Yuanfang Cai. Her work focused on the relationship between software architecture and quality. She published her work in different conferences and journals, including ICSE, ESEM, FSE, and JSS. She received the first place prize at the ACM Student Research Competition in 2015. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2009.
- SERC-2017-TR-109-Investigating Approaches to Achieve Modularity Benefits in the Acquisition Ecosystem
- SERC-2017-TR-110-Transforming Systems Engineering through Model-Centric Engineering
- SERC-2017-TR-111-Transforming Systems Engineering through Model-Centric Engineering
- SERC‐2019‐TR‐006-RT 205: Identifying and Measuring Modularity Violations on Cyber‐Physical Systems Final Report
- SERC-2018-TR-105-New Project Incubator
- SERC-2018-TR-113-Approaches to Achieve Benefits of Modularity in Defense Acquisition
Lead Author
- Poster - RT-163: Investigating Approaches to Achieve Modularity Benefits in the Acquisition Ecosystem
- Poster - Investigating Approaches to Achieve Modularity Benefits in the Acquisition Ecosystem
- Poster - RT 163/185: Investigating Approaches to Achieve Modularity Benefits in the Acquisition Ecosystem
- Poster - RT 180: Identifying and Measuring Modularity Violations in Hybrid Cyber-Physical Systems
- Poster - Identifying and Measuring Modularity Violations
- Presentation - Identifying and Measuring Modularity Violations in Cyber-physical Systems