DAU Webcast "Digital Readiness: Finding a Doing Machine"
Publication Date: 8/27/2020Start Date: 2020-08-27
End Date: 2020-08-27
Event: DAU Webcast "Digital Readiness" series
Event: Virtual
Lead Authors:
Dr. Gregg Vesonder
The 'Digital Readiness' webcast series is a collaboration between the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) and the System Engineering Research Center (SERC). Each webcast was headlined by various SERC researchers throughout our network of collaborators. This webcast was the the seventh in the 9-part webcast series, which were centered around the following three themes:
The DAU Webcast "Digital Readiness: The Thinking System Quest" presented by Dr. Gregg Vesonder, Stevens Institute of Technology, is the second of the three webcasts focused on AI & Machine Learning in this "Digital Readiness" series. The rest of the webcasts in this series can be viewed HERE.
Webcast Abstract: In the last decade Machine Learning had a remarkable success record. We will review reasons for that success, review the technology, examine areas of need and explore what happened to the rest of AI, GOFAI (Good Old Fashion AI).