Technical Report
An Advanced Computational Approach to System of Systems Analysis & Architecting Using Agent-Based Behavioral Model

Report Number: SERC-2013-TR-021-2
Publication Date: 2013-03-29
Flexible Intelligent Learning Architectures for Systems of Systems (FILA-SoS)
Principal Investigators:
Dr. Cihan Dagli
Co-Principal Investigators:
A major challenge to the successful planning and evolution
of an acknowledged System of Systems (SoS) is the current lack of understanding
of the impact that the presence or absence of a set of constituent systems has
on the overall SoS capability. Since the candidate elements of a SoS are fully
functioning, stand-alone Systems in their own right, they have goals and
objectives of their own to satisfy, some of which may compete with those of the
overarching SoS. These system-level concerns drive decisions to participate (or
not) in the SoS. Individual systems typically must be requested to join the SoS
construct, and persuaded to interface and cooperate with other Systems to
create the “new” capability of the proposed SoS. Current SoS evolution
strategies lack a means for modeling the impact of decisions concerning
participation or non-participation of any given set of systems on the overall
capability of the SoS construct. Without this capability, it is difficult to
optimize the SoS design. The goal of this research is to model the evolution of
the architecture of an acknowledged SoS that accounts for the ability and
willingness of constituent systems to support the SoS capability development.
Since DoD Systems of Systems (SoS) development efforts do not typically follow
the normal program acquisition process described in DoDI 5000.02, the Wave
Model proposed by Dahmann and Rebovich is used as the basis for this research
on SoS capability evolution. The Wave Process Model provides a framework for an
agent-based modeling methodology, which is used to abstract the nonutopian
behavioral aspects of the constituent systems and their interactions with the
SoS. In particular, the research focuses on the impact of individual system
behavior on the SoS capability and architecture evolution processes. A generic
agent-based model (ABM) skeleton structure is developed to provide an
Acknowledged SoS manager a decision making tool in negotiating of SOS
architectures during the wave model cycles. The model provides an environment
to plug in multiple SoS meta-architecture generation multiple criteria
optimization models based on both gradient and non-gradient descent
optimization procedures. Three types of individual system optimization models
represent different behaviors of systems agents, namely; selfish, opportunistic
and cooperative, are developed as plug in models. ABM has a plug in capability
to incorporate domain-specific negotiation modes and a fuzzy associative memory
(FAM) to evaluate candidate architectures for simulating SoS creation and
evolution. The model evaluates the capability of the evolving SoS architecture
with respect to four attributes: performance, affordability, flexibility and
robustness. In the second phase of the project, the team will continue with the
development of an evolutionary strategies-based multi-objective mathematical
model for creating an initial SoS meta architecture to start the negotiation at
each wave. A basic generic structure will be defined for the fuzzy assessor
math model that will be used to evaluate SoS meta architectures and domain
dependent parameters pertaining to system of systems analysis and architecting
through Agent Based Modeling. The work will be conducted in consideration of
the national priorities, funding and threat assessment being provided by the
environment developed for delivery at end of December 2013.
The method is applied to an Intelligence Surveillance
Reconnaissance (ISR) “acknowledged” SoS as an example domain. The agent-based
model represents a System Program Office (SPO) personnel’s interactions with
the acknowledged SoS manager, and with the other Systems’ representatives. An
agent models each SPO’s negotiation and decision process and interactions.