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August 2021
SERC TALKS: “What Does Test & Evaluation Mean in a Digital Engineering Enabled World?”
In this talk we will discuss the demand for testing events, the Scientific Test and Analysis Techniques process (since STAT is mandated in DoD policy anyway), and what test planning may look like in a digital engineering environment. Examples of efficient and effective test planning will also be discussed, both those that were conducted during development and those developed post deployment.
Find out more »September 2021
Naval Digital/Systems Engineering Transformation (D/SET) Brown Bag Series: Skyzer Surrogate Pilot MBSE Cost Model Use Case and Model Tour Demo
In this talk we will discuss the demand for testing events, the Scientific Test and Analysis Techniques process (since STAT is mandated in DoD policy anyway), and what test planning may look like in a digital engineering environment. Examples of efficient and effective test planning will also be discussed, both those that were conducted during development and those developed post deployment.
Find out more »Protected: Naval Digital/Systems Engineering Transformation (D/SET) Brown Bag Series: Skyzer Surrogate Pilot MBSE Cost Model Use Case and Model Tour Demo
In this talk we will discuss the demand for testing events, the Scientific Test and Analysis Techniques process (since STAT is mandated in DoD policy anyway), and what test planning may look like in a digital engineering environment. Examples of efficient and effective test planning will also be discussed, both those that were conducted during development and those developed post deployment.
Find out more »October 2021
AI4SE and SE4AI Workshop 2021
The 2021 AI4SE/SE4AI Workshop will be held October 20-21 virtually on ZoomGov. Participation is limited to US citizens only and will be by invitation. Abstracts are sought for presentations and panels from government, industry and academia addressing key Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Systems Engineering (SE) initiatives. All abstracts and presentations must be approved for public release. Selected abstracts will be invited to present and/or attend the workshop.
Find out more »SERC TALKS: “Progress in Test and Evaluation of AI-enabled Systems in the DoD”
This Talk with Dr. Yevgeniya “Jane” Pinelis, Chief, Test, Evaluation, and Assessment, DoD Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) is the second of the 3-part "Test and Evaluation" series, curated and moderated by Dr. Laura Freeman, SERC Research Council Member, Director of the Hume Center’s Intelligent Systems Lab and Assistant Dean for Research in the College of Science, and Research Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics at Virginia Tech.
Find out more »November 2021
2021 SERC Research Review
This three-day event unites all sectors of the systems engineering research community–government, industry, and university–and provides an opportunity to share progress on research and how to address the most challenging systems engineering issues facing the Department of Defense (DOD) and other federal departments and agencies.
Find out more »INCOSE Human Systems Integration Conference 2021
The Human Systems Integration Conference 2021 (HSI2021), an INCOSE Conference, will be held virtually from 16 to 19 November, 2021. This first virtual edition of the HSI INCOSE Conference brings a fantastic environment to learn new things and to discuss your work with the worldwide Human Systems Integration community. Working together with the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) and Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) societies provides the opportunity for networking with members of other related professional societies, bringing a richness to the experience.
Find out more »December 2021
SERC TALKS: “How is T&E Transforming to Adequately Assess DOD Systems in Complex Operating Environments?”
This Talk with Dr. Sandra Hobson, Deputy Director for Strategic Initiatives, Policy and Emerging Technologies, DOT&E, Office of the Secretary of Defense is the final Talk of the 3-part "Test and Evaluation" series, curated and moderated by Dr. Laura Freeman, SERC Research Council Member, Director of the Hume Center’s Intelligent Systems Lab and Assistant Dean for Research in the College of Science, and Research Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics at Virginia Tech.
Find out more »NDIA’s 2021 Virtual Systems & Mission Engineering Conference
The 24th Annual NDIA Systems and Mission Engineering Conference is going virtual! The National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) is excited to bring you the same great content you can expect at an in-person conference – all from the comfort of your home or office!
Find out more »February 2022
2022 DAU Acquisition Update: Embracing the Digital Environment
DAU will host its virtual annual Acquisition Update on Feb. 23-24, 2022. The theme "Embracing the Digital Environment" is timely for this year's Update as major changes have been enacted within the Department of Defense.
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