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April 2023
The INCOSE Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Workshop and Systems Engineering Conference (WSEC) 2023 is taking place in Sevilla, Spain from April 24-26, 2023 as a hybrid event. This event joins the EMEA Conference and the EMEA Workshop 2023 exceptionally after these atypical years. The objective is to meet with experts from various domains of Systems Engineering and different countries from around the world. During the event, you will have the opportunity to exchange your ideas and experience to move forward on the selected Systems Engineering topics. Systems Engineers at all levels and from all backgrounds are encouraged to engage in sessions and contribute their knowledge and experience to take the discipline forward. EMEAWSEC 2023 is targeted at Systems Engineers from Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) and is open to interested engineers worldwide. INCOSE or local Chapter members, as well as non-members, are welcome. For membership information, please visit your local EMEA Chapter website (a list is available on the INCOSE website at EMEA Sector (incose.org).
Find out more »INL Digital Engineering Conference
Idaho National Laboratory will be hosting the first in-person, cross-national laboratory Digital Engineering conference. Digital Engineering embodies a deliberate transformational approach to the way systems are conceptualized, designed, constructed, operated, maintained and retired. The event will feature guest speakers from across the digital industry and provide an opportunity to foster collaborations that will enhance our nation’s digital future
Find out more »May 2023
NPS Annual Acquisition Research Symposium
The purpose of the Annual Acquisition Research Symposium is to provide a forum for the presentation of scholarly acquisition research, as well as for dialogue between scholars and acquisition policy-makers and practitioners.
Research papers and presentations are given on recently completed and on-going Departments of Defense and US Navy (DoD/DON)-sponsored projects conducted by researchers at a variety of research institutions. Senior DoD/DON acquisition officials serve as panelists or keynote speakers to present their critiques and comments on research papers and priorities.
NAFEMS World Congress 2023
The NAFEMS World Congress 2023 in Tampa, Florida, USA, will bring the global engineering simulation community back together again in person, from 15-18 May. They will be pushing the technology forward creating a cross-industry, cross-technology exchange of ideas, best practice, and information like never before, whilst getting down to the business of what we all strive for; making simulation ever better and ever more accessible. NAFEMS is the International Association for the Engineering Modelling, Analysis and Simulation Community
Find out more »The IISE Annual Conference & Expo 2023
The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) is excited to invite you to join an educational feast fit for the profession’s finest. At the IISE Annual Conference & Expo, you’re joining leaders in the field, up-and-comers and students to network, gather new ideas and learn about innovative tools and techniques. Prepare to make connections that will aid your career and build friendships that last a lifetime as the IISE celebrates its 75th birthday.
Find out more »Information Models and Ontologies to Enable Digital Engineering: Research Workshop
The objective of this workshop is to first understand the current state of practice and research in the synthesis and application of information models and ontologies in support of Digital Engineering; and second, identify a small number of key research questions that need to be addressed.
Find out more »June 2023
91st MORS (Military Operations Research Society) Symposium
For over 55 years, the annual MORS Symposium has been the premier opportunity for the national security community to exchange information, examine research and discuss critical national security topics. Held in notable locations, the Symposium gathers over 800 OR professionals from military, government, industry and academic ranks to share best practices and enjoy a bit of well-deserved peer-to-peer networking in a supportive environment. Beginning with the learning opportunities offered in the Monday Tutorials and CEU Courses, and followed by three information-packed days of working group sessions, the Symposium is an unequaled opportunity to stay current and get ahead. During the Symposium, work in progress and completed work is shared, and potential areas for future study are discussed. The Symposium is the venue to present, as well as be exposed to the most current OR trends and techniques.
Find out more »Defense Strategies Institute (DSI) presents the 2023 Digital Engineering for Defense Summit
The Defense Strategies Institute (DSI) will hold the 2023 Digital Engineering for Defense Summit on June 14-15 at the Sunset Room at National Harbor, MD. This event will bring together experts from across U.S. military services, DoD, & academia to discuss digital engineering’s role in enabling the Department of Defense to acquire, deliver, and sustain advanced warfighting systems quickly and more efficiently. This year’s Summit will explore current and future efforts that aim to integrate digital engineering tools, technologies, and processes to improve the engineering practice and acquisition of defense systems and support a digital transformation across the DoD.
Find out more »Optimizing Incentives for Acquisition Innovation and Agility
The George Mason University School of Business' Greg and Camille Baroni Center for Government Contracting and the Acquisition Innovation Research Center (AIRC) cordially invite you to participate in a two-part webinar series on "Optimizing Incentives for Acquisition Innovation and Agility". Each discussion will be enriched by the research papers authored by AIRC. The panel for each session will include a paper author, a government representative, and an industry member.
Find out more »July 2023
33rd Annual INCOSE International Symposium
The INCOSE symposium has a rich history that dates back to 1991, and has continued uninterrupted every year to the present. The program attracts an international mix of professionals at all levels, and includes practitioners in government and industry, as well as educators and researchers. This year’s Symposium is a hybrid event with the physical event taking place at the Hawai’i Convention Center in Honolulu, HI with multiple tracks of presentations, panels, tutorials and more!
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