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December 2018
SERC TALKS: “Why Are Ontologies and Languages for Software Quality Increasingly Important?”
Speaker: Prof. Xavier Franch Full Professor, Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Barcelona Tech).
Abstract: Analysis of trade-offs among software quality factors needs to be based upon a clear statement of the meaning of such factors and their interrelationships...
January 2019
2019 AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech)
The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) invites you to their 2019 SciTech Forum, Scheduled to take place on Jan 7-11, 2019 in San Diego, California. From its creation in 1963, the AIAA has organized conferences to serve the aerospace profession as part of its core mission.
Find out more »Annual INCOSE International Workshop 2018
INCOSE's International Workshop is the event of the year for systems engineers to contribute to the state of the art. INCOSE invites all Systems Engineers to their annual Internation Workshop which will be held on Jan 26-29, 2019 in Torrance, CA, USA.
Find out more »65th Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium
The symposium provides a forum for training and discussion regarding reliability and maintainability practice, with participants from industry, academia, and government. It features published papers and tutorials and provides opportunities for networking and product demonstrations. THEME: “R&M In The Second Machine Age – The Challenge of Cyber Physical Systems”. RAMS attracts leading Reliability and Maintainability experts from across industry, academia, and the U.S. Government. The topics addressed are broad, including R&M requirements, mission critical design and acquisition areas aimed at policies,…
Find out more »SERC Collaborator WebEx – January 2019
The SERC management team is holding the January SERC WebEx meeting on Thursday, January 17, 2018, at 1:00 pm ET. Open to academics within the SERC Collaborator network only, the objective of this meeting is to spread awareness among our network on all things transpiring within the Systems Engineering Research Center as well as the Systems Engineering Community as a whole. This meeting will include a demonstration of a tool by Dov Dori.
Find out more »February 2019
NDIA’s 2019 Defense Systems Acquisition Management (DSAM) Course
NDIA’s Defense Systems Acquisition Management course program will be held on February 4-8, 2019 in Monterey, California. The purpose of the program is to bring together the industry program managers, assistant program managers, systems engineers, industry personnel serving on DoD Integrated Product Teams, and other personnel that must interface with DoD program offices involved in program development and execution. OVERVIEW: The Defense Systems Acquisition Management course meets the needs of defense industry program managers in today's dynamic environment, providing the latest information related…
Find out more »NDIA’s 30th Annual SO/LIC Symposium & Exhibition
The 30th Annual SO/LIC Symposium & Exhibition will be held from 5th February 2019 to 7th February 2019 at Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, Virginia. The complexity of modern global conflict will require the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) to engage in extensive joint, combined and interagency operations to achieve national military and strategic objectives. USSOCOM must now leverage emerging and innovative technologies as never before to link and share information with allies, U.S. Intelligence community members and…
Find out more »SoSECIE: Development of New Standards for Systems of Systems Engineering
The System of Systems Engineering Collaborators Information Exchange (SoSECIE) is a web-based seminar series organized by the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (SE) in association with the National Defense Industrial Associations’s SoS Engineering committee. The goal of this series is to provide guidance, education and training for SoS and dissemination of engineering best practices within the government, military, contractors, academia and International partners. Contact so*****@mi***.org for questions or concerns. Speaker: Dr. Mike Yokell, Lockheed Martin Fellow and…
Find out more »National Engineers Week 2019
The National Engineers Week is being held on 17-23 February, 2019. Founded by the National Society of Professional Engineers in 1951, EWeek is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers. Today, EWeek is a formal coalition of more than 70 engineering, education, and cultural societies, and more than 50 corporations and government agencies. Dedicated to raising public awareness of engineers’ positive contributions to quality of life, EWeek promotes…
Find out more »SoSECIE: Systems of Systems Engineering Managerial and Operational Affinity
The System of Systems Engineering Collaborators Information Exchange (SoSECIE) is a web-based seminar series organized by the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (SE) in association with the National Defense Industrial Associations’s SoS Engineering committee. The goal of this series is to provide guidance, education and training for SoS and dissemination of engineering best practices within the government, military, contractors, academia and International partners. Contact so*****@mi***.org for questions or concerns. Speaker: Dr. Mike Yokell, Lockheed Martin Fellow and Deputy…
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