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August 2019
SERC TALKS: “What’s Really Distributed in Distributed Autonomy?”
Distributed autonomy pertains to a sociotechnical system in which geographically distributed human and software agents make independent observations, pool them to jointly determine the state of the environment, and then make collaborative decisions based on their shared goals and knowledge of environment state. This Talk presents ongoing research on adaptive cyber-physical-human system, an example of intelligent distributed autonomy. The perimeter security of a parked transport aircraft using multiple surveillance quadcopters is used as an illustrative example.
Find out more »5th International Conference on Control Science and Systems Engineering
ICCSSE 2019 is co-sponsored by Shanghai Jiaotong University and China Agricultural University, China and co-organized by by Huazhong University of Science and Technology of China, National Taiwan University, and etc. Control Science and Systems Engineering are entering the second golden phase. These new challenges bring with it new research questions resulting in the need to stimulate the rapid awareness of this very important research field, especially among the young researchers. ICCSSE conferences were wonderful opportunities, the support that we received…
Find out more »International Conference on Informatics, Technology, and Engineering 2019
Faculty of Engineering, University of Surabaya (UBAYA) in collaboration with The University of Adelaide, Australia and Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (Thammasat University), Thailand organize International Conference on Informatics, Technology, and Engineering 2019 (InCITE 2019). THEME: "Enhancing Engineering Innovation Towards A Greener Future." In response to several world challenges including sustainable development, global convergence of information and communications technologies, climate change and global warming as well as the depletion of unrenewable natural resources, it is considered important to discover innovative approach…
Find out more »September 2019
International Defence And Homeland Security Simulation Workshop
International Defence And Homeland Security Simulation Workshop focuses on the advances and potential of using M&S in Defense and Homeland Security framework. It will bring experts together for the purpose of presenting and discussing all type of innovation related to the use of Modeling & Simulation in Defense and Homeland Security applications. DHSS will focus on new concepts, methods, techniques and tools for advancing in the modeling & simulation sector. Topics for the workshop: Asymmetric Warfare Augmented & Mixed Reality…
Find out more »IISE’s Engineering Lean and Six Sigma Conference 2019
The Engineering Lean & Six Sigma Conference offers a global hub for sharing organizational transformation discoveries fueled by Lean and Six Sigma thinking. Lean Six Sigma improves the quality of management, working processes and applies resources in a targeted way that can dramatically increase the productive and creative potential across a business population. The conference has an audience of industrial, management, manufacturing and quality engineers, healthcare professionals, consultants, operational and supply chain managers and professional educators. Track Descriptions Lean Six Sigma…
Find out more »Conference on Complex Systems 2019
The Conference on Complex Systems (CCS) is the biggest and most important annual meeting of the international complex systems community. It comes under the auspices of the Complex Systems Society. In 2019, CCS will come to Asia for the first time. Held in Singapore at Nanyang Technological University, it promises an intellectually stimulating experience to be matched by an equally exciting social programme. Main Conference Tracks Foundations of Complex Systems (Complex networks, self-organization, nonlinear dynamics, statistical physics, mathematical…
Find out more »October 2019
SERC TALKS: “What is the role of a Reference Architecture in research and development of autonomous and/or cooperative systems?”
The Autonomy and Navigation Technology (ANT) Center at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) has begun development of a new Reference Architecture for Autonomy to begin to answer the myriad of needs within research, development and testing of autonomous and/or cooperative systems. This Reference Architecture will initially cater to small unmanned aerial and ground vehicles and the interfaces and operators that would be used to direct these vehicles in accomplishing tasks. The framework should be flexible to allow achievement of effective mission capabilities with autonomous and cooperative agents.
Find out more »2019 National Science Foundation Workshop for Engineering Design and System Engineering (EDSE)
Early Bird Registration ends 31 August 2019! Save $100! Purdue University is hosting the 2019 National Science Foundation (NSF) Workshop for Engineering Design and System Engineering (EDSE) on October 7-8, 2019. The objective of this workshop is to develop and articulate research issues and methodologies in engineering design and systems engineering (EDSE) for high impact in the emerging workplace and society.Recently, there has been tremendous technological progress in automation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality. These technological advances are changing the environment in…
Find out more »NDIA’s 22nd Annual Systems and Mission Engineering Conference
This conference will focus on improving acquisition and performance of Defense programs and systems, including system – of – systems engineering, systems security, net-centric operations and data/information interoperability, and all aspects of system sustainment. This conference is sponsored by the National Defense Industrial Association, Systems Engineering Division, in cooperation with IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, IEEE Systems Council and the International Council on Systems Engineering,
Find out more »November 2019
Systems Thinking Workshop / 7th Annual SERC Doctoral Students Forum
Held as one part of the SERC Research Review, the SERC Doctoral Students Forum (SDSF) provides an opportunity for doctoral students conducting highly relevant, systems engineering-related research at any of the SERC collaborating universities to present their research in an open forum in front of colleagues from other universities, sponsoring organizations and members of FFRDCs and industry.
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