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September 2021
Naval Digital/Systems Engineering Transformation (D/SET) Brown Bag Series: Skyzer Surrogate Pilot MBSE Cost Model Use Case and Model Tour Demo
In this talk we will discuss the demand for testing events, the Scientific Test and Analysis Techniques process (since STAT is mandated in DoD policy anyway), and what test planning may look like in a digital engineering environment. Examples of efficient and effective test planning will also be discussed, both those that were conducted during development and those developed post deployment.
Find out more »Protected: Naval Digital/Systems Engineering Transformation (D/SET) Brown Bag Series: Skyzer Surrogate Pilot MBSE Cost Model Use Case and Model Tour Demo
In this talk we will discuss the demand for testing events, the Scientific Test and Analysis Techniques process (since STAT is mandated in DoD policy anyway), and what test planning may look like in a digital engineering environment. Examples of efficient and effective test planning will also be discussed, both those that were conducted during development and those developed post deployment.
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