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April 2022
IEEE SysCon 2022: The 16th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference
The IEEE Systems Council facilitates interactions among communities of interest on system-level problems and applications. System-level thinking is essential in the world today, not only for technical systems, but also for society at large. The Council addresses the discipline of systems engineering, including theory, technology, methodology, and applications of complex systems, system-of-systems, and integrated systems of national and global significance.
Find out more »May 2022
The IISE Annual Conference & Expo 2022
The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) is excited to invite you to join an educational feast fit for the profession’s finest. At the IISE Annual Conference & Expo, you’re joining leaders in the field, up-and-comers and students to network, gather new ideas and learn about innovative tools and techniques. Prepare to make connections that will aid your career and build friendships that last a lifetime.
Find out more »June 2022
IEEE’s 17th Annual System of Systems Engineering Conference
IEEE System, Man, and Cybernetics Society announces the Seventeenth International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) with its vast ramifications in numerous engineering fields such as control, computing, communication, information technology and in applications such manufacturing, defense, national security, aerospace, aeronautics, energy, environment, healthcare, and transportation. The conference theme is “AI and Machine Learning in System of Systems”.
Find out more »July 2022
ISTE’s Transdisciplinary Engineering 2022 Conference
The International Society of Transdisciplinary Engineering (ISTE) aims to explore and promote the evolution of engineering to incorporate transdisciplinary practices in which the exchange of different types of knowledge and people from a diverse range of disciplines is fundamental. The Transdisciplinary Engineering (TE) conference is the exchange of knowledge in the context of an innovation, in product, process, organization or social environment. Through ISTE, the exchange of knowledge is possible in its annual conferences, the TE Conferences, and through publication of special issues in scientific journals.
Find out more »May 2023
NPS Annual Acquisition Research Symposium
The purpose of the Annual Acquisition Research Symposium is to provide a forum for the presentation of scholarly acquisition research, as well as for dialogue between scholars and acquisition policy-makers and practitioners.
Research papers and presentations are given on recently completed and on-going Departments of Defense and US Navy (DoD/DON)-sponsored projects conducted by researchers at a variety of research institutions. Senior DoD/DON acquisition officials serve as panelists or keynote speakers to present their critiques and comments on research papers and priorities.
NAFEMS World Congress 2023
The NAFEMS World Congress 2023 in Tampa, Florida, USA, will bring the global engineering simulation community back together again in person, from 15-18 May. They will be pushing the technology forward creating a cross-industry, cross-technology exchange of ideas, best practice, and information like never before, whilst getting down to the business of what we all strive for; making simulation ever better and ever more accessible. NAFEMS is the International Association for the Engineering Modelling, Analysis and Simulation Community
Find out more »The IISE Annual Conference & Expo 2023
The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) is excited to invite you to join an educational feast fit for the profession’s finest. At the IISE Annual Conference & Expo, you’re joining leaders in the field, up-and-comers and students to network, gather new ideas and learn about innovative tools and techniques. Prepare to make connections that will aid your career and build friendships that last a lifetime as the IISE celebrates its 75th birthday.
Find out more »October 2023
NDIA 26th Annual Systems and Mission Engineering Conference
The NDIA Systems Engineering Division will be holding the 26th Annual Systems and Mission Engineering Conference in Norfolk, VA on October 16-19, 2023. Held in co-sponsorship with the NDIA Test & Evaluation Division and the NDIA Integrated Program Management Division; the 2023 Systems and Mission Engineering conference brings together defense community members from industry, government, and academia to highlight ways for improving defense acquisition and system performance; providing an interactive forum for Program Managers, Systems Engineers, Chief Scientists, Specialty Engineers and Managers.
Find out more »October 2024
NDIA 27th Annual Systems and Mission Engineering Conference
The NDIA Systems Engineering Division will be hosting their 27th Annual Systems and Mission Engineering Conference in Norfolk, VA on October 28-31, 2024. This conference is held in co-partnership with the NDIA’s Test & Evaluation and Integrated Program Management Division. It brings together defense community members from industry, government, and academia to highlight ways for improving defense acquisition and system performance. Additionally, the conference provides an interactive forum for program managers, system engineers, chief scientists, speciality engineers and managers.
Find out more »March 2025
2025 Pacific Operational Science & Technology (POST) Conference
This event serves to address the critical issues and challenges of the Indo-Pacific region, focusing on topics in science, technology, and security. This conference encourages leaders in academia, industry, and government to ideate solutions, with showcases in support of joint fires, information advantage, contested logistics, and other joint warfighting challenges.
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