Every other month, the SERC management team held a Collaborators meeting open to all SERC Collaborators (any staff/student at a Collaborating University) to inform them of available opportunities in Systems Engineering research, Systems Engineering related events, and the general status of the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC) as a whole. These meetings, as well as the website, are for all Collaborators to spread awareness to our network on all things Systems Engineering and we invite your regular input. As we review internal processes and information, the SERC Collaborator Exchanges [CollabXes] are for SERC Collaborators only. Please note these meetings were previously referred to as SERC Collaborator WebEx meetings but as we are now holding these meetings via a new web-meeting platform, we have updated the name to reflect this improvement. Please contact Ms. Kara Pepe to be included in the invitations or to add any items to the agenda or the website. Suggestions and comments are always welcome.
Moving forward, to provide more up-to-date and accessible information to our Collaborator network as well as our sponsors and the larger systems engineering community, we are releasing our updates more widely over email with our first release in June 2021. The intended coverage in these updates is as follows, though not limited to:
- SERC News
- Research Updates
- Funding Opportunities
- Systems Engineering Events
- Collaborators’ Corner:
- Submitted abstracts/upcoming presentations
- Research opportunities
- Job opportunities
- Recent publications
If you have anything you would like to include within these updates to the larger SE community or slated within the “Collaborators’ Corner,” please submit below. Thank you so much for your contributions.