Dr. William B. Rouse (Emeritus)
Research Professor and Senior Fellow, Office Senior Vice President for Research
Georgetown University
Dr. William B. Rouse is senior fellow in the office of Georgetown's senior vice president for research at the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University as of July 2019. Rouse is a researcher, educator, author and entrepreneur. His expertise includes individual and organizational decision making and problem solving, as well as design of organizations and information systems. His current research focuses on understanding and managing complex public-private systems such as healthcare delivery, urban systems and defense, with emphasis on mathematical and computational modeling of these systems for the purpose of policy design and analysis.
Within the McCourt School, Rouse focuses on computational approaches to public policy issues in health, education, and transportation, leveraging Georgetown’s expertise in these areas. Within the office of the senior vice president for research, he will develop and implement strategies for leveraging systems science and engineering across Georgetown.
Dr. Rouse was formerly the Alexander Crombie Humphreys Chair within the School of Systems & Enterprises at Stevens Institute of Technology and Director of the Center for Complex Systems and Enterprises. He is also Professor Emeritus, and former Chair, of the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research focuses on understanding and managing complex public-private systems such as healthcare delivery, urban systems and national security, with emphasis on mathematical and computational modeling of these systems for the purpose of policy design and analysis. Rouse has written hundreds of articles and book chapters, and has authored many books, including most recently Understanding and Managing the Complexty of Healthcare (MIT Press, 2014), Economic Systems Analysis and Assessment (Wiley, 2011), People and Organizations: Explorations of Human-Centered Design (Wiley, 2007), Essential Challenges of Strategic Management (Wiley, 2001) and the award-winning Don’t Jump to Solutions (Jossey-Bass, 1998). He has edited or co-edited numerous books including Engineering the System of Healthcare Delivery (IOS Press, 2010), The Economics such as trading binary options and how to trade binary options of Human Systems Integration (Wiley, 2010), Enterprise Transformation: Understanding and Enabling Fundamental Change (Wiley, 2006), Organizational Simulation: From Modeling & Simulation to Games & Entertainment (Wiley, 2005), the best-selling Handbook of Systems Engineering and Management (Wiley, 1999, 2009), and the eight-volume series Human/Technology Interaction in Complex Systems (Elsevier). Among many advisory roles, he has served as Chair of the Committee on Human Factors of the National Research Council, a member of the U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, and a member of the DoD Senior Advisory Group on Modeling and Simulation. He has been designated a lifetime National Associate of the National Research Council and National Academies. Rouse is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and has been elected a fellow of four professional societies — Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS), and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES). Rouse received his B.S. from the University of Rhode Island, and his S.M. and Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- SERC-2012-TR-020-1-Multi-Level Modeling of Socio-Technical Systems
- SERC-2013-TR-020-2-Multi-Level Modeling of Socio-Technical Systems – Phase 1
- SERC-2013-TR-020-3-Multi-Level Modeling of Socio-Technical Systems – Volume 1
- SERC-2013-TR-020-3-Multi-Level Modeling of Socio-Technical Systems – Volume 2
- SERC-2015-TR-020-4-Enterprise Systems Analysis
- SERC-2011-TR-0017-1-Requirements Management for Net-Centric Enterprises - Phase I
- SERC-2011-TR-0017-2-Requirements Management for Net-Centric Enterprises - Phase II
- SERC-2010-TR-009-1-System 2020 - Strategic Initiative
- SERC-2012-TR-009-2-System 2020-Phase-II
- SERC-2016-TR-103-Enterprise Systems Analysis
- SERC-2017-TR-106-Enterprise Systems Analysis
- SERC-2019-TR-016-Systems Engineering Methods Business and Analytics
- SERC-2020-TR-009-Transforming Systems Engineering through Model-Centric Engineering
- SERC-2022-TR-001-ART-005: Methods for Integrating Dynamic Requirements
- SERC-2022-TR-002-WRT-1042: Policy Innovations to Enhance the STEM Talent Pipeline
- SERC-2023-TR-009-WRT-1068: Policy Innovations to Enhance the STEM Talent Pipeline
Lead Author
- Poster - RT-138 Enterprise Systems Analysis
- Poster - RT 161: Enterprise Systems Analysis
- Poster - RT 25: Net-Centric Requirements Management
- Poster - RT 25: Net-Centric Requirements Management
- Poster - Enterprise Systems Analysis
- Poster - Enterprise Systems Analysis
- Presentation - SERC Research Council (RC) Panel : The Future of Systems Engineering (SE) Research
- Presentation - SERC Research Council (RC) Panel : The Future of Systems Engineering (SE) Research
- Presentation - Provider Strategic Responses to the Affordable Care Act
- Presentation - Complex Enterprise Systems
- Presentation - RT 25 Overview : Requirements Management for Net – Centric Enterprises
- Presentation - SSRR 2021 "ART-005 | Methods for Integrating Dynamic Requirements"
- Presentation - SSRR 2021 "WRT-1042 | Policy Innovations to Enhance the STEM Talent Pipeline"
- Presentation - ARR 2022 | WRT-1042 & WRT-1068: Policy Innovations to Enhance the STEM Talent Pipeline
- Video - SSRR 2021: ART-005 "Methods for Integrating Dynamic Requirements"
- Other - Research Transition Report 2017 “Transitioning research into practice – crossing boundaries through integrative collaboration”
- Other - AIRC Perspectives: Managing Portfolios in an Environment of Dynamic Requirements and Uncertainty
- Multi-Level Socio-Technical Modeling and Enterprise Systems Analysis
- Evolutionary Requirements For Net-Centric Enterprise
- System 2020
- Systems Engineering Business and Analytics
- Safety Assessment Methods for Supercritical Water Oxidation (SCWO) facility at Blue Grass Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant (BGCAPP)
- Transforming Systems Engineering through Model Based Systems Engineering-NAVAIR
- Methods for Integrating Dynamic Requirements
- Policy Innovations to Enhance the STEM Talent Pipeline