Dr. David Enke
Professor at Engineering Management & Systems Engineering
Missouri University of Science and Technology
I am a Professor within the department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering (EMSE) at the Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T). I am the founder and current director of the Laboratory for Investment and Financial Engineering (LIFE) and am a member of the Missouri S&T Intelligent Systems Center (ISC). I am an area editor in the area of risk management for the journal The Engineering Economist. My current teaching is in the areas of investment, portfolio management, financial risk management, enterprise risk management (market risk, credit risk, operational risk, and regulatory responses), derivatives, financial engineering, and corporate finance. I also have teaching interest in macroeconomic analysis, student investment funds, computational intelligence, and machine learning.
My research interests match my teaching interests, including investment, portfolio management, financial risk management, derivatives, and financial engineering, as well as the use of computational intelligence and machine learning for price and volatility forecasting. This involves current and past research on stocks, futures, financial derivatives (options, futures, forwards, and swaps), credit derivatives and derivative pricing models, financial risk and uncertainty, GARCH models, Value-at-Risk, trader behavior, equity valuation, hedge fund replication, hybrid trading models, and economic modeling. Specifically, my research often uses neural networks, deep learning, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, evolutionary systems, self-organizing systems, and expert systems. In addition to computational intelligence, I also use simulation, traditional optimization, forecasting, data mining, principal component analysis, clustering, classification, econometrics, and regression analysis.
- SERC-2015-TR-021-4-Flexible and Intelligent Learning Architectures for SoS (FILA-SoS) Volume 1 – Integrated Model Structure
- SERC-2015-TR-021-4-Flexible and Intelligent Learning Architectures for SoS (FILA-SoS) Volume 12 – Architecture Evolution Strategy for FILA-SoS Version 2.0
- SERC-2015-TR-021-4-Flexible and Intelligent Learning Architectures for SoS (FILA-SoS) Volume 13 – Meta-Architecture Generation Model: Flexible Architecting
- SERC-2015-TR-021-4-Flexible and Intelligent Learning Architectures for SoS (FILA-SoS) Volume 14 – FILA-SoS v2.0: Impact of Different Cooperativeness Levels
- SERC-2015-TR-021-4-Flexible and Intelligent Learning Architectures for SoS (FILA-SoS) Volume 15 – FILA-SoS Version 2.0: Incentivizing Systems in SoS
- SERC-2015-TR-021-4-Flexible and Intelligent Learning Architectures for SoS (FILA-SoS) Volume 16 – FILA-SoS v2.0: Integrating Model Software Architecture
- SERC-2015-TR-021-4-Flexible and Intelligent Learning Architectures for SoS (FILA-SoS) Volume 2 – Meta-Architecture Generation Multi-Level Model
- SERC-2015-TR-021-4-Flexible and Intelligent Learning Architectures for SoS (FILA-SoS) Volume 3 – Fuzzy Genetic Optimization Model
- SERC-2015-TR-021-4-Flexible and Intelligent Learning Architectures for SoS (FILA-SoS) Volume 4 – Architecture Assessment Model
- SERC-2015-TR-021-4-Flexible and Intelligent Learning Architectures for SoS (FILA-SoS) Volume 5 – Cooperative System Negotiation Model
- SERC-2015-TR-021-4-Flexible and Intelligent Learning Architectures for SoS (FILA-SoS) Volume 6 – Non-Cooperative System Negotiation Model
- SERC-2015-TR-021-4-Flexible and Intelligent Learning Architectures for SoS (FILA-SoS) Volume 7 – Semi-Cooperative System Negotiation Model
- SERC-2015-TR-021-4-Flexible and Intelligent Learning Architectures for SoS (FILA-SoS) Volume 8 – Incentive Based Negotiation Model for SoS
- SERC-2015-TR-021-4-Flexible and Intelligent Learning Architectures for SoS (FILA-SoS) Volume 9 – Building Executable Architecture on Notational SoS
- SERC-2015-TR-021-4-Flexible and Intelligent Learning Architectures for SoS (FILA-SoS) Volume 10 – Integrated Model Software Architecture
- SERC-2015-TR-021-4-Flexible and Intelligent Learning Architectures for SoS (FILA-SoS) Volume 11 – Integrate Model Structures for FILA-SoS Version 2.0
- SERC-2013-TR-021-2-An Advanced Computational Approach to System of Systems Analysis & Architecting Using Agent-Based Behavioral Model
- SERC-2013-TR-021-3-An Advanced Computational Approach to System of Systems Analysis & Architecting Using Agent-Based Behavioral Model