Technical Report
Investigation of a Graphical CONOPS Development Environment for Agile Systems Engineering

Report Number: SERC-2009-TR-003-1
Publication Date: 2009-10-03
Graphical Concept Of Operations
Principal Investigators:
Dr. Robert Cloutier
Co-Principal Investigators:
Dr. Ali Mostashari
This report investigates the current approaches to Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
development in use in various DoD and commercial organizations with the goal of
understanding why CONOPS creation is such a lengthy process, and how the process
can be made more agile. A number of CONOPS are cataloged and analyzed to
understand which parts of the current standards are used by the creators of a CONOPS.
Traditional CONOPS creation processes are discussed based on literature and face-toface
interviews with those involved with creating CONOPS in both traditional and nontraditional
domains. Based on these findings, an agile CONOPS process that emphasizes
stakeholder involvement and expedites shared mental models development is put forth.
Additionally, current and emerging technologies that might be applicable to creating a
graphical CONOPS are discussed. Finally, recommendations for future research to
develop a toolbox for creating graphical CONOPS are presented.